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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Meet Mr. Moo, aka Kit Kat

I would like to introduce you all to my new found friend. I actually didn't find him, but rather he found me. When Cortney and I first moved into our new house I would occassionally see this not so furry friend in the alley and he would run away whenever I got anywhere near him. When I returned from spending 4th of July in San Diego apparently this cat decided to claim our home as his home also.

He is quite friendly now and anytime you step outside the back door he is sure to follow you and rub up against your legs. When sitting in the basement he will lay at the window and watch your every move. I recently decided to buy him some food and give him water because he has been sticking around 24 hours a day. Who knows why he chose us, maybe because he knew we could not have any pets here. As my mom says, "he is just an answer to my prayers!"

Meet Mr. Moo (through the screen door)

Saturday morning Mr. Moo is anxiously waiting on the patio for me
Kit Kat waving or cleaning himself, I am not sure!
Oh stretch!