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Friday, October 10, 2008

You know you live in Idaho when...

So last week I had the most amazing encounter on my way home from the mall. Now I must preface this story with the fact that when I moved to Idaho I knew hunting was a big deal for many who live here, but I have never seen the "products" of it.

I was on an onramp onto the freeway and beginning to merge when I looked over my shoulder and saw a large truck coming up. I let them pass me but just as they were alongside of me I saw a dead moose looking me in the eyes!!!!! Apparently they had been enjoying a week out in the wilderness and thought this guy would make for a good dinner or wall decoration. I am not sure but it took me the couple miles I had to travel behind them to regain my composure. I have come to the conclusion that this is just not that uncommon of a sighting here in rural Boise, Idaho.

Happy Hunting!!!!

Not the actual moose that I saw (driving and taking pictures just isn't that safe)


The Djulus Family said...

Cuz, I am so glad you started this!!! I can't wait to hear more as the weeks go by!