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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gotta make a statement... A bold one!

Well it was time to finally breakdown and make a big purchase in my life. I have been dealing with a dilemma of having no closed toe shoes to wear when it starts to cool down here other than tennis shoes or dressy boots. I needed and "in-between" shoe that could be nice looking, but not too dressy. Well let me tell you I had my eye on a very special pair of shoes for some time now and last week I bit the bullet and spent the fortune to buy them. Apparently they are a hot item here because most stores did not have them in stock. I found a store that would ship them to my house for free and believe me, I was tracking their status every day on the UPS website. Well Wednesday was the day and I knew to expect them between 9 am and 7 pm. I sat on the couch anxiously awaiting the UPS man, but apparently he chose to come while I was gone to Target for the last hour of the day. Don't worry I wore these beauties all during the CMA awards. I love them and know they will turn many heads on the streets this winter.

I introduce to you my new, very BOLD statement...

These lovely leopard print danskos may even make it to work with me occasionally to dress up my blue scrubs.
Best part about them is that they can be worn with black or brown!!!!
Happy shoe shopping!


The Djulus Family said...

You are killing me cuz! Those are awesome! We can do more shoe shopping when you are in SD for Christmas :)

Glendon said...

What's this I hear of a date?? I need details. Email me the dirt.

The Djulus Family said...

We want a new post! Christmas in Boise, baby!